Population Density in west coast US Cities: A Comparison

Below are demographic maps of three West Coast US cities: These population density maps tell a story that is consistent with the overall CDP population density figures of each of these figures, but reveal much more than one figure can describe. Here are the overall population densities based on 2016 population estimates: City Density (/mi2)Continue reading Population Density in west coast US Cities: A Comparison

Maps: WaveG Buildings – Gigabit Ethernet in Seattle

I compiled this map using addresses from Wave G’s building list by fetching the list of apartment buildings and their addresses with a mini-project that I have started work on: https://github.com/nickmcummins/gpx-tools/tree/master/scrappers/wavegbuildings I then geo-coded the addresses into GPS coordinates, compiled a GPX file containing each location as a waypoint, and then imported the GPX intoContinue reading Maps: WaveG Buildings – Gigabit Ethernet in Seattle